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what's the thing you can do to maintain #positivevibes?

Moira's Blog Posts

what's the thing you can do to maintain #positivevibes?

simply doing this one thing will help you
to feel happier & to keep moving forward~

when you’re recounting the events of each day, simply remember or talk about or focus on the positives...

"the days were long...but the years flew by..."

when my kids were little, the days were active & fun…but sometimes there was a fight over a toy, spilled milk or burned waffles, or even a temper tantrum and the inevitable “timeout”…. (ask me about the “timeout in the car” sometime—LOL) but at the end of the day,  we would always read stories, take a bath to relax and play…& then as I was tucking them into bed…

I would ask them, “what was the best thing that happened to you today?” 




“what were the top two or three things that happened to you today?”


isn’t that what it’s all about?  


I am surrounded by fitness and wellness people on social media and the big idea these days is the “trauma” that you may still be carrying with you into adulthood.


I get it.


I really do….


but how about, “yah—I grew up in the 70’s with a lot of love and a lot of dysfunction…and it has made me a stronger, more resilient, adaptable, & truly empathetic person!”  


don't overthink it.

you can always tell a better story, that’s the bottom line.


let’s take it back to basics — read yourself a story, take a bath and ask yourself, “what were the best moments of my day today?”


because it’s really that simple.


you can turn around your life very easily.  


you have the choice to tell your story by complaining about the downfalls & frustrations or simply discuss the good stuff….and then even imagine the possibilities.



it. really. works.