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Moira's Blog Posts

Spring Cleaning & Cleansing

Moira Riccio

How's your Spring Cleaning going?   I know, "Spring Cleaning" typically means changing your closet from Winter attire to Summer, and dusting off the flip flops and t-shirts and shorts to enjoy the warmer weather.  And that's all good~but what about your Spring Cleansing?  Have you considered changing your eating habits so that you feel lighter and happier?  Do you want to have more energy (to workout more, right?!) or just look and feel better about yourself.

You know what they say, "Getting healthy starts at Moirasfitness studio, but losing weight starts in the kitchen!"

Changing eating habits is hard -- because sweet and salty food tastes good!  I hear ya!  And remember: we are all a work in progress.  Just because you make a decision to make better food choices doesn't mean you will live the rest of your life without another brownie….  But I do believe that the more you eat healthy the less you crave those sweet and salty foods.   When I eat at Life-A-Live restaurant, where they serve up all organic produce with fresh vegetables and hummus and it tastes soooo good and somehow, you simply feel satisfied with your meal, to the point where you don't think about dessert.

To be honest with you, I have never done a cleanse.  This is because I love coffee and wine too much, plus I have a busy life outside of my fitness business cooking for my family.  However, I do try to stay away from processed foods and sugar.  Plus I try to go "gluten-free" although I absolutely love a good piece of multigrain toast!!   And because I have to constantly cook for a family of six, I am always tempted to make the bad choice.  Here's what I do: stock my kitchen and fridge with GOOD STUFF!

For example, typically on Sunday afternoons, I grocery shop and power cook~I line cookie trays full of fresh kale, brussel sprouts, butternut squash, chopped onions and drizzle with olive oil, kosher salt and ground pepper.  (400 for 12 minutes)  Then after it cools, I mix it all together in little containers and throw it in the freezer.  That way, when I cook spaghetti and meatballs for my kids, I have a healthier "go to" option for me.:)

There's always so many healthy "to go" items at Trader Joes as well, so give it a try either way!  Every day is a new day to make a good food choice!

Bon Appetit

PS:  Check out the entire recipe PLUS cranberry compote on my recipes section!!