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2022 in review...celebrate your accomplishments!

Moira's Blog Posts

2022 in review...celebrate your accomplishments!

'sharing the positive #healthyliving vibes!

may you enjoy time well spent to end the year and dream big for the future!

namaste to you, your family and friends....

'sharing some 2022 Riccio highlights:

this year, my family & I attended two family weddings -- in St. Louis & so many other people, it was just SO NICE to be with family again, after the Pandemic!

we celebrated two college graduations ~ 2022 from Boston College
(my alma mater) 
& 2020 from Colgate...
even though the 2020 graduation was delayed due to COVID, the school did a wonderful job celebrating their students  and even added a surprise "FLORIDA" concert -- O.M.G. we were in the "mosh pit!"

after my husband's father passed in February, we decided to splurge and travel on a family vacation to Italy! I hadn't been there since my honeymoon, and the lifestyle & culture was truly refreshing...

"la dolce vita!"

my two older sons have started their careers, my daughter is a junior at the University of Virginia, while my youngest (& "wingman") is currently applying to colleges -- all twenty of them!

my husband & I have certainly experienced some sadness with friends from the community passing and family members struggling with cancer, so I try to support them as best I can.

to be totally honest with you, many people ask me, "how do you do two jobs?" 
the short answer is, I truly enjoy helping people with their "healthy living..." 

plus, I'm the type of person who is happiest when busy & always wants to be growing & a bonus, sharing so much information about Boston's North Shore to real estate clients has truly helped me to feel grateful for my surroundings.

let me know if you need help with your fitness, wellness
or living we prepare for 2023!