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sugar. sitting. screens

Moira's Blog Posts

sugar. sitting. screens

how can we fight burnout & fatigue?

we haven’t been taught in school that mind is connected to the body…but there is a GUT-BRAIN connection….and now we are all living through this international health crisis….

here are some options to help you keep mentally fit & healthy~


SUGAR—processed foods turn into sugar.  Sugar will crush your gut and your immune system starts in the gut.

  • Combining protein, fat, fiber into your breakfast lunch and dinner consistently will give you the boost you need!


SITTING—On average, Americans are sitting 11 hours a day!

  • Moving just 20 minutes a day will make you happier & healthier to sleep better, improve your digestion, and improve your focus!


SCREENS—Technology is the future and the present. It helps us to ZOOM & connect virtually — so many positives!! However, too much screen time can really impact our mental health.  Anxiety & depression are on the rise ….  

  • Finding ways to unplug and be in the present with your immediate family or social circle really helps. Turning off your phone one hour before bedtime is another idea!