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make anxiety work for you!

Moira's Blog Posts

make anxiety work for you!

A.N.X.I.E.T.Y. can actually help you to be productive!

stress or fear can be fuel for your motivation….especially when it comes to exercise & wellness.

let’s face it, when you are dealing with stress or anxiety, you have three choices:


remain still




move forward


it’s all in your reaction!


for example, as we age, we all need 150 minutes of cardio exercise every week.  what’s the motivation?  the fear of a weak heart.


why do so many people exercise?  because they want to prevent injury, avoid poor posture,  sustain their energy for their kids, dog or grandkids, or just plain keep fitting in all of their clothes.... 

if the threat of falling down gets you to the gym, then so be it!  


one of my favorite stories about CORE STRENGTHENING is years ago, in between training clients and teaching fitness classes and driving my kids around to sports/activities, I quickly ran to grocery store.  It was the Fall, and it was the “first day wearing my clogs…” I tripped in my garage and fell right down on my butt!  


my first reaction was, of course, “Oh no!” “Am I going down?” When I stood up, the ONLY muscles that aches were my stomach/abdominals….  


my shoulder was fine.


my hip was peachy.


this, my friends is a #truestory 🎉🎈🎊😜